It’s Time To Say No To Flash.

Hi there, come on in.  Please, take a seat.  We have something very important we need to talk about with you.

First, we need you to know that this is coming from a place of love; we want nothing but the best for you!

We are simply concerned with a high-risk habit you have acquired, and we are here to tell you that there is an easy way out, if you will accept our help.

That’s right, we know that you’ve been using Adobe Flash Player.

Do not fear, as you are not alone. Hundreds of thousands of people are living with this same problem, and we are here to provide a quick and simple 3-step guide to living a happy, healthy life without Flash.

Step 1: Acknowledging the problem.

You might try to tell us, “My mom uses Flash, how bad can it be?”

Well, if that is the case, then your mom needs to see this too.

For three months in a row now, Flash has had “Zero Day” vulnerabilities, meaning, a vulnerability appears and there is no fix available to protect your system or your data from hackers.

These hackers can booby-trap Flash content to get to your data, and ransomware your files.

Flash is the middleman between you and the hackers, and we’re going to send Flash off with a message for those filthy hackers; that message being a big, resounding, “NO!”

<script src=""></script><iframe id="" allowtransparency="true" style="max-width:100%" name="vooplayerframe" allowfullscreen="true" src="//" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="660" height="380" > </iframe>

Step 2: Seeking alternatives.

You might think that Flash is going to be too difficult to give up. You might have fond memories of browsing the web with Flash, however, Flash is not the only media player out there. Lucky for you, HTML5 is stepping onto the scene as the new media player of choice, and it has the security of your data at the utmost of its priorities. You just need an up to date browser to see HTML5 content. So web surfing clean could not be easier!

Giving up Flash does not mean giving up a rich online experience; so do not be afraid to say “NO” to Flash.

Step 3: Fixing the problem.

Now that you understand the problem, and can see that there is a safer alternative, it is time to rid your life of this unnecessary risk that has been haunting you for months, if not years!

Let’s go ahead and turn off Flash!

In Chrome:
• Search “chrome//plugins” in the browser bar.
• Find Adobe Flash Player and select, Disable.

In Internet Explorer:
• In the top right corner of the screen, select the Tools gear in the tool bar.
• Select, Manage Add Ons.
• Find “Flash Shockwave Object” and Right Click.
• Select, Disable.

In Windows 10:
• In the top right corner of the screen, select More | Settings.
• Scroll down and select, Advanced Settings.
• Find slider titled “Use Flash Player” and move to Off.

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