By Amy Kardel

Using email effectively is one of the best ways to improve office productivity.  Poor email habits are a real energy drain, chewing up your team’s time. Train your team email black-belt moves and take your productivity a few clicks higher.  Best of all, these tips don’t cost a thing to implement!  Let’s get started . . .

Email Mastery - Dropped by BCC sample emailThis super simple tip will prevent extra emails for people who should be dropped from an email thread after an introduction has been made.

Here’s the scenario that most commonly comes up: You introduce someone by email to another person who will then be “taking it from there”, such as referring a business associate to an insurance agent. The business associate you emailed wants to let you know they received it and are moving forward with the insurance agent but the rest of the conversation really has nothing to do with you. Here’s the best way to hand it as the business associate: just move the referring party to the BCC line and mention that in the body of the email. That way they will not be copied on the insurance agent’s reply Email Mastery - Dropped by BCC new emailand everyone one is informed.

If you do not see the Bcc field in the Outlook new email window, you can easily add it by going to the Options tab and selecting Show Fields Bcc.

Happy emailing!

12 + 15 =

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