IT Planning & Budgeting

Planning for Your IT Future

Nothing Gives You IT Piece of Mind Like a Duck!

The Challenge

Planning for IT and technology can often be a time consuming and confusing experience, leading to an ad-hoc approach that does not give true visibility into long-term technology investments. Wish lists and technology “dreams” fall off the radar as they are not given the proper attention they deserve.

The Solution

We take the headache and stress out of IT planning and budgeting. Our industry leading IT plans ensure that you know where your technology is in its lifecycle and allows your business to properly plan for technology budgets and ensure your business initiatives get the attention they deserve to drive your business forward. Is this IT Utopia? We like to think so.

Planning for the Future

Take Control of Your IT

24 Hour Support

How We Meet Your IT Needs

Backup & Disaster Recovery

Backed up onsite and in the cloud for fast, simple recovery.  Whether it is a lost file or a brush with disaster, you'll be going again fast.

Built Right

Design matters. We plan with all the key players to ensure technology is done right.  No surprises. No finger pointing.

Your Cloud

Cloud services can be the right choice. We'll help you know how and when to leverage this fast evolving technology.

IT Planning & Budgeting

Skip the drama and surprises.  We'll develop and execute a 3-Year IT plan for your business.

IT Security

Don't worry about it.  Get it done.  We're CompTIA TrustMark Certified.  Security is part of our DNA.

Your Dedicated Tech

You won't have to explain things to some random Joe who shows up.  Your guy knows you, your team, your technology.

Wendy Lewis, Chief Operations Officer
The Food Bank Coalition of SLO County

“Technology enables our team to do what they love: feeding the hungry. Clever Ducks has transformed our technology from an unruly brat into a helpful friend”

The Food Bank Coalition of SLO County serves monthly a population larger than Cuesta and Cal Poly combined! They fight hunger through donations, grants and volunteers . . . Providing 139 semi-trailers of healthy food a year. 94% of their budget goes to food on the table for children and families. That’s efficient.

Wendy Lewis, Chief Operations Officer

Business has enough challenges, let the professionals at Clever Ducks take care of your valuable files. Fill out the form and let's talk.

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